First, I'm a wedding photographer. Any wedding thrills me, right down to the detail, and a wedding of this magnificence is heavy on detail and beauty.
Second, I'm an American citizen who just became a British citizen last year. I love the feeling of a national event, and I must admit, of a royal family. I know I come from America, whose founders fled these shores and rid themselves of royalty right quickly, but as Mike Cosper points out, it's not the idea of a king that bothers so much, it's the desire for a good king. Even the Covenanters had no problem respecting the king; they simply recognised that he was subject to a greater King, and held him to account when he failed to remember that.
And that brings me, to, thirdly, the appeal of these two items together: a Royal Wedding. Because whether the general populus knows it or not, there is a Great Wedding, coming at 'the end of the age', and that will be between Christ and His church.
It did disappoint me a bit, earlier in the week as I read comments on blogs and Facebook and elsewhere, the number of people in this country who were pretty annoyed, frustrated, ticked off, or grumpy about this wedding. Yes, they have plenty to say about politics and government and royalty, but I felt (being a new citizen) that this is our country, and this is a national day of celebration. (Heck, we all got given the day off!) I guess what is the hardest for me about the complaints is that they are about something that is so beautiful. I'm passionate about beauty. I see it, as this blog title indicates, everywhere. And on a day like this, with custom made gowns and ornate carriages and high church ceilings and marching guards, beauty is everywhere. It's positively sparkling.
So it feels like a major crime to me to fail to celebrate beauty when it's truly there. People do the same with God and His beauty, too. He sends the sun, they find it too hot. The rain is too wet. The wind, the snow...last Christmas I saw sparkling diamonds everywhere, and many people around me only seemed to see an extra half hour's walk, and an inability to buy two loaves of bread even though their cupboards were full. There are so many who insist on being grumpy and angry about anything in their lives. Whereas I insist upon seeing beauty everywhere, I insist on seeing God Himself. Not always easy (and I most certainly get it wrong myself at times). But oh, what beauty is there to be seen, if only you will open your eyes!
So yes, there is a Greater Wedding coming one day. There will be many lining the streets. The Bible says that the great city, the 'new Jerusalem', will be 'adorned as a bride for her husband'. (What a view we got of that today.) And there will also be the haters. Many who say, 'He is no King', and 'We should (or can) rule ourselves'. They not only refuse to enter into the joy, but they can't. And I saw that today. Those who were grumpy or frustrated about the wedding didn't go - and those who were excited formed the whole crowd of flag-waving, cheering, happy, friendly, joyful citizens who enjoyed the day from start to finish.
Including me.