So this handbag from Jill-e does everything you could want it to as a camera bag - and does it beautifully.
I decided to go with the handpainted one, to give it a little flair.
Just to show you the kind of room that's in here - I can fit a DSLR with 50mm lens attached, a wide angle 10-22mm, 24-70mm, and an external flash. Plus a purse and my iphone and several other bits and pieces.
In the Bible, when the Israelites were making the things associated with the temple in which they would worship God, they were instructed to make garments "for glory and for beauty" (Exodus 28.2). There were settings of gold, and thread of blue, purple, and scarlet. There were shoulder straps and braided gold cord and precious stones. It wasn't just about making garments of a certain size, or for a particular purpose. They were meant to bring glory to God and be beautiful, too.
Now that's my idea of good handiwork.