Friday, 20 March 2009

Like A Kid In A Candy Store

I find that when someone is visiting me, I take the time to notice things in my own city that I never really saw before. My sister came to visit from America, and we dandered the streets of Glasgow finding all sorts of interesting things, one of our favourites being a sweet shop on the West End.

It had everything we imagined a sweet shop would have (and, of course, a number of things we hadn't imagined).

Everything was beautifully wrapped...

...And even the price tags were pleasant and friendly, with little love hearts on.

There was an old fashioned gumball machine (including, I must confess, a hand-written sign explaining it didn't work, and please not to try to use it; but the sign took a quick holiday to enable the gumball machine's moment of fame in a photograph)...

...and pink stripy wallpaper.

The nicest thing about it all was that being the grown-up, responsible persons we were, my sister and I didn't have to just ooooh and aaaaaah over all the sweets...we could buy whatever we wanted.

So we did.

Enjoy life!
